Image contains a photo of a male laying down on a carpeted floor with his head touching the head of a red Irish setter that is laying down on the floor as well. The Irish setter's paw can be seen coming into the foreground to the left of a wooden table leg. Behind the pair, there is a red leather couch.
House Sitting,  Press,  Travel

Press | Interview for Alternative Travelers

As I continue to try and spread the word about my book, This Job is Shit, I’m happy to say that I’ve been impressed with the reception my press releases have been getting. Given the possibility that a simple email from a stranger with links to unknown things can often be filtered as spam before it even reaches an inbox, it’s been nice to receive responses from folks looking to do interviews, have me as a guest on their podcast, or simply share the news about the book through their social channels.

The latest travel blog to do that is run by the Alternative Travelers, Sam and Veren, and they both happen to be vegan house sitters like me. When I first wrote them, I knew we had some things in common, so I was happy to have them respond positively and ask for me to take part in their House Sitter Interview series.

After a few emails back and forth, and even some of the aforementioned issues with email filters and whatnot, I’m happy to say the interview is now live, and you can find it over on their blog here.

While you’re there, I highly recommend that you check out some of their other posts, including the ones involving house sitting, since they offer plenty of great information around lots of topics. Along with their blog posts, they’ve also written a house sitting book, which you can find here.